Harvard style referencing in Office 2007

*UPDATE 2008/09/28*

There is a .xsl file available from http://www.codeplex.com/bibliography/Release/ProjectReleases.aspx?ReleaseId=15852 that will put the harvard style into Microsoft Office.
It supports AMA, Harvard and IEEE formats.

Original post:

I was doing a uni assignment for my MBA and i needed to do proper referencing *groan*
A light bulb went off in my head “hey office 2007 has a citation manager in it, lets go!”

It works rather well, it is very intuitive to insert in a new reference source. The only problem is after I had done all this work and then realised “hey, these references don’t look like how I did them in my thesis. Oh thats alright, the citation style was just set to APA, should be as easy as selecting Harvard from the pull down menu. WTF IT IS NOT THERE”

For some reason the Office 2007 developers left out the most widely used referencing style from their citation manager…. But I’ve found a dirty dirty hack for anyone else that needs help on how to do it

The Orthomy: Word 2007 – Citations

By David Burela

Blogged with Flock

34 thoughts on “Harvard style referencing in Office 2007

  1. Hi
    I need it.
    I download what you’ve been stated here but how can I install it.
    I just run it and then I got a message from IE and then I said “Allow…..” and then and then… but nothing happened. I checked all references styles but still they are same. Thank you.

  2. Thanks for this, I’m really happy that this worked!
    To Rama and others: I clicked on the url at top of this site, saved the zip file ‘styles’ into the suggested file path, closed and re-opened Word, and hey-presto the extended list was there. Just gotta work out if I should use Harvard-Leeds or Harvard-Anglia! ( a much better problem to have!)

  3. Hi!

    Any idea if there is a version for Office 2008 for Mac, I havent been able to find one, and Mac seem to make these things very complicated!

    Many thanks


  4. Under the Harvard style, there are many options such as the Harvard AGPS/ Anglia/ Exeter/ Leeds.

    Which one of these fit the Harvard Style?

  5. This has saved my bacon… Thank you so much, great that there is provisions for mac users! This has cut days off my work!

  6. Absolutely great!!! It seems the reason this was left out of Word was because they required students to learn strict referencing. It does annoy me that people have made an effort, complementing an Author or Journal, but get blasted for missing out a comma, full stop or forget to indent text; by assessors. The question is why could someone’s excellent report be downgraded by a missing comma of referencing, than the information regarding the report. It seems University Jobs worth s are more interested in referencing that the subject in particular. What an interesting existence for the authors who writes books on Citation punctuation, than normalising it into a normal form. I.e. (Journal, 2008, Andy Saunders),(Book, 2008, Andy Saunders) or (Web-page, 2008, Andy Saunders) and then the bibliography referring to any data obtained.
    E. F. Schumacker
    Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius—and a lot of courage—to move in the opposite direction.
    Schumacher, E.F. (2009) E. F. Schumacher Society, 10 Sep, [Online], Available: http://www.smallisbeautiful.org/about/biographies/schumacher.html [16 Oct 2010].

  7. its not working for me, i didnt have the folders bibliography>Styles and created it myself and inserted the styles folder into it, closed word and reopened, but still nothing coming up for me..

    any suggestions would be great?

    • You will have a Bibliography folder, just be sure where you have installed your version of MS office……..even if you have installed on another drive, the C:\ MS office will still install certain bits even if install at a different location. Find the ms_office folder…if your not sure, use the search wizard within your START button. The correct directory tree should be ms_office/office12/Bibliography/Style which will start within your Program files directory or where you have installed it.

  8. Hi.

    What is the difference between harvard-anglia 2008 and harvard-EHU3? My task states that I have to use Harvard-EHU3 specifically.

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