Build 2012 conference app for Windows Phone

AppIcon_200This year I was given the location of the Build 2012 data feed, and asked if I could help build the conference app for the Windows Phone.

You can download the Build 2012 conference application from the Windows Phone marketplace.

The source code is available on GitHub.

I took the TechEd Australia app that I created earlier in the year, and modified it for the Build data stream (you can read my post-mortem of building the TechEd app here)

The Build 2012 application has a few nice features:

  • Search for sessions by title, session code or abstract.
  • View the sessions by schedule slot.
  • View slides directly on your phone (once uploaded to Channel 9).
  • Watch the sessions directly on your phone (once uploaded to Channel 9).

And of course, the application was built using the Infragistics NetAdvantage for Windows Phone controls.

schedule groupingSession infosession searchingspeaker info

By David Burela
Reblogged from my Infragistics account

Code samples & video of my TechEd presentation

channel-9-logoThe video of my TechEd session has been online for a while. However before blogging about it, I thought I would take a unique approach to sharing the code samples.

My session introduced the DataBinding and DataTemplating features of Windows 8, and then progresses into how you can create native cross platform applications.

Rather than just zip the final source code up and provide it “as is”, I instead replicated the steps I took in the video and used Git to take snapshots throughout the development. I tagged each check-in with the timestamp of the video that the source code corresponds to. Which means you can follow along on your own, and if you miss something, you can just view that specific check-in to see what changed.

To view the list of timestamped check-ins, you can go to the list of commits

Later in the session I talked about using Caliburn.Micro. However I had to use a special fork to get it working with Windows RT. Here is the blog post with more details about the fork
and the link to the fork itself

By David Burela
This post was re-blogged to my Infragistics account

I’ve been awarded Microsoft MVP for Windows Azure


This morning I got an email from Microsoft informing me that have been presented the Microsoft MVP award for Windows Azure. It is a great feeling to see my contributions to the community recognised directly by Microsoft.

My favourite part of the introductory email was the disclaimer: “The purpose of this paragraph is to relieve Microsoft Corporation and its affiliates of any and all liability arising out of any injury caused as a result of use or mis-use of our products contained in this package… In no event will Microsoft be liable to anyone for any damages or injury caused by the acceptance of this prize, or by its misuse or improper use, or action taken by user…

It sounds like the welcome package they are sending in the mail is rather dangerous!

By David Burela