Slides from my workflow talk

While i’m posting some of my old slides, here are the ones from the Workflow talk that i did. This time i was able to include the demo that i did. I created a workflow from scratch in front of the group to simulate a hamburger being created. It demonstrated how to load an object into a workflow that we would work on, if statements, custom activities, etc.

The Slides: 20081215-vicnet-wf.pptx

The Demo:

By David Burela

Slides from my WPF talk

I did a talk at the victoria .Net usergroup on WPF, so i decided to share my slides in case anybody finds them useful

A lot of my talk was done using demos that i would create from scratch in front of people, so there it might be a little light on. But it could be useful for anybody else wanting a base to start from.

During the presentation i showed the WPF bag-o-tricks, as it is a great way to show people the shinyness of WPF.
And as always i point people to my list of WPF links for beginners

The Slides: 20081215-vicnet-wpf.pptx

By David Burela